Join Us!

Join the Social Design Lab at Northeastern where we’re dedicated to solving the world’s biggest social problems by collaborating across disciplines, conducting groundbreaking research, creating new technologies, and launching new ventures.


Are you:

  • An undergraduate student looking for research experience?
  • A graduate student looking to do translational research?
  • A faculty member or post-doc looking to build translational work into your research agenda?

Join the Social Design lab and get connected to a growing community of social scientists using scientific methods to create impact.


Are you looking to have a positive impact on the world?

Scientists can’t do it alone. We need your help to:

  • Build relationships with stakeholders across campus and community.
  • Develop new opportunities for translational research.
  • Work with partners in the community and around the country.

Let the Social Design Lab be a platform for you to develop your skills and expertise creating and delivering high-impact projects.


Ideas are often not enough to change social systems. They require new technologies, new applications, and new approaches. Conversely, new technologies often require re-engineering social systems to take full advantage of them.

We need creators who can create hardware and software systems that combine research demands with practical realities.



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